Monday, August 31, 2020

It probably comes as no surprise that I have a schedule. I don’t always follow it but the schedule is always in the back of my mind. I finished off a hand stitching project last night (a Sunday project) and today I stuck to my planned schedule in spite of a few interruptions.
I’ve decided to get back to doing the daily block; I hoped I might get an extra one done but this one took most of the morning because I had some Guild and Hall business to take care of.
This afternoon I’ve been quilting (my Monday schedule) and although it is slow going I’m a third of the way done. It is a Guild monthly project from a couple of years ago. I don’t particularly like it and almost decided not to take it any further than a flimsy. But it was already sandwiched and all of the blocks were designed by friends in the Guild so it will be a nice reminder.
Tomorrow I get my September UFO project. Although I might not like the project number that is picked, I look forward to seeing what it will be.