Friday, August 28, 2020

To keep myself accountable I’m reporting that I have indeed started the appliqué on my quilt. The first couple of blocks went very well but this latest one has been giving me problems.
I bought a new type of sewing needle that was supposed to go through the fusible interfacing without gumming up the needle. That didn’t work as promised.
In order to have the colours I wanted to use I had to switch to some spools of much finer thread and changed to an embroidery needle in the machine in the hopes it would stop the fraying. That worked reasonably well.

Now my machine is skipping stitches with the zig zag and I think it is entirely due to the gumming up of the needle. I have one more small bit to do in the colour I have loaded and then I may go back to a heavier thread and a “regular” sewing machine needle.
I can’t seem to win but I’m not giving up.