
Thursday, August 27, 2020

It is nearing the end of the month and I’ve done very little to move forward on my August UFO Challenge. I’ve been avoiding it and I know why.

The blocks that I’m doing involve appliqué – a lot of appliqué. And I don’t like doing appliqué. I use a product that makes it easy to cut out a design and attach it to the fabric but from that point on it is pure torture for me.

What machine should I use? How many different kinds and colours of thread do I need? What kind of stitch will I use. When I appliqué on cards I do the appliqué stitching as part of the quilting but this is a quilt and that method won’t work as well on a larger piece.

So I’ve avoided it – until today. I set out all the blocks and I even did a very little bit of stitching but then it was time for lunch.

While I had lunch I started to rewatch the Shetland series that correspond to the last two books I’ve read. And here it is supper time and no more stitching has been done; I didn’t waste my time entirely though as I did some knitting.

Turns out the first episode followed very closely to the book – with the exception that Perez’s wife was hardly mentioned (in the book this is where she was murdered) and the murderer was a completely different person with a very different motive.

Except for one image in the second book I couldn’t remember the story at all. Not surprising as when I watched the episodes on Netflix not only was the murderer a surprise but pretty much the entire story was changed.

Now back to that appliqué – maybe tomorrow!