I’m on a roll

Friday, August 7, 2020

Coxey’s Camp (Block 117)

I planned to stop at the grocery store yesterday after my Guild meeting but when I drove by the parking lot and saw the number of vehicles parked I decided to wait until this morning and go during their “senior” hour. I was home with my groceries before eight.

After I put the groceries away and while I waited for a chat with Stacia and Deloise I washed my mask and then proceeded to wash out the shelves in the fridge. With Pat away the shelves are relatively empty so it seemed like a good time to do it.

I finished up the quilt (from hell) before lunch. I only had two borders to add so it really wasn’t much work but I’ve had so much trouble with it the past couple of days I just wanted it done. I think I like it better now with the border but I’m still not convinced it will be one I keep. It isn’t too Christmassy so it could work as a donation.

Chocolate Chip Muffins
Lemon Zucchini Bread

After lunch I started baking; it is a much cooler day today so I thought having the oven on wouldn’t be a bad idea. I found a mix for the Chocolate Chip Muffins in the cupboard. I don’t know where my muffin tins have disappeared to so I just used the paper cups on a cookie sheet. They turned out somewhere between a thick cookie and a muffin but they taste okay. Next up was a new recipe I wanted to try (hence the trip to the grocery store for zucchini and lemon). It looked good when I took it out of the oven but it collapsed a lot as it cooled. I’m assuming it will still taste okay. Some of the baking will go into the freezer for days when it is too hot to bake.

I have a request for more masks and I needed more elastic. The fabric store is only open on Tuesday and Wednesday but I called and Deb will leave a package on her porch for me to pick up. I’ll go pick it up while my supper cooks so I can get started on them tomorrow.

And speaking of supper I’m trying out another new recipe – one that came into the discussion when the cousins had a check-in earlier this week. The package of chicken I had was large so I’ll do some with the new recipe and some with Shake and Bake. I won’t need to cook again for several days.