Wednesday, July 1, 2020 (Block 107)

It is pretty quiet out on the streets today and there is no sign of any celebrations in honour of the day. I had to do some re-imagining of my daily block to make it more Canadian. The calendar is published in the US so there are a lot of red, white and blue patterns.
I took the car out for a drive after lunch. We’re going to Texada tomorrow for a few days and I knew it needed to be driven if there was to be any hope that it would start when we got back. I had a book to drop off at the library and I made a stop at the liquor store (stocking up for Texada). Pat got some groceries this morning so I felt I should do my part. I don’t think I’ve been to Texada since January, other than a quick ferry trip over and back. And I don’t think Pat has been over since February. It was hard for us to remember what is over there, what we’ve run out of, and what we brought back here that needs to go back there.
Since getting home I’ve had to make a few tough decisions. Will I take my sewing machine or will I leave it at home? If I take my machine what threads will I need? If I take my machine I’ll feel obligated to do my daily block and how will I know what fabric I need to take? Should I take my July UFO and get it started or should I have some fun and start something new? In the end I’ve decided to leave my sewing machine at home. I’m not sure how the daily blocks will work when I get back as the counting will be out – my OCD kicks in when I’ve been working on a series.
So what will I do without my machine? I have two knitting projects and two cross stitch projects packed. I have a big embroidery project already started on Texada so I can continue working on that. I have a pack of projects that are supposed to teach me how to do hardanger and that went into the bin. I packed my library book and I have my Kindle so reading in the hammock won’t be compromised. I hope we can get some hikes in; there have been a number of trails that are now mapped so we’ll be able to find them easier. There is a set of falls that we’ve gone looking for twice but never successfully found the trailhead. There is also some work that needs to be done (chopping wood, cleaning out the cobwebs, airing everything out) so I’m sure I won’t be bored.
I’m not sure I’ll be posting daily while we are away because there might not be a whole lot of anything to chat about. I’ll be back when we return to town next week.