Tuesday, June 30, 2020 (Block 106)

I didn’t have anything in particular planned for today except laundry. It’s a good thing as I’ve been either on the phone or at my computer all day. And I’m still not done the laundry.
My e-mail account was being migrated to a new platform today and I spent most of the morning trying to get it working. I didn’t relish the idea of spending time on the phone waiting to get through to support; fortunately I was able to solve the issues on my own and I have mail working on my computer, my laptop and my iPad. No change to my e-mail address; it was just a platform change to Telus.
After getting my daily block done I was at loose ends as to what to do next. Tuesdays are generally my bee day and, up until today, I’ve always had something related to the Guild to work on. So what to do instead? I spend a good chunk of time on the phone, on hold, with the Breast Screening program. Not only did it take a long time to talk to anyone but the earliest date for an appointment is September.
Since I’d already spent time on the phone I decided to try another call. I’d been trying to update our Cranberry Hall account info with Telus for a few days but always gave up before I got through to anyone. It was a half-hour wait today but I got everything set up and transferred to my name rather than in the name of a Board member who resigned last year.

Now that all those tasks are done I’m going out to my deck chair and start a new book.