Monday, June 29, 2020 (Block 105)

Pat and I went out together this morning for the first time since March 16th. Up until today we hadn’t even been in the same vehicle. Pat goes out occasionally to pick up dinner or to get his prescriptions; I go out occasionally to the library, bank, or post office.
But today we went somewhere together – granted it was just to the dump but it was nice to be out and about together. Before heading to the dump we stopped at Canadian Tire as I needed to pick something up.
When I started sewing this morning my iron was working fine. At one point I got the beep that said the automatic shut-off was kicking in but when I gave it a shake to reheat it something went wrong and it continued beeping. I unplugged it and then started it again with the same problem. I found an iron on sale at CT so that’s what I was purchasing. I saw the iron online first, knew what aisle I was headed for and they had arrows to tell you what direction to go down the aisles and markers at the cashier to help you keep your distance. I also had on my mask so I felt quite comfortable.
When we got home I plugged the old iron in again and it seems to be working fine – both steam and no steam work. I think the only thing that may not work is the automatic shut-off and I can live without that. I usually turn the power bar off if I’m going to be gone more than a few minutes; now I’ll turn it off whenever I leave the room.
I did a bit of repair work on a quilt this afternoon and sorted a few scraps. I’ve got a new knitting project ready for tonight – a new blankie for Taylor.