Saturday, June 27, 2020 (Block 103)

I spent all morning clearing up the paperwork on my desk (and other surfaces). It wasn’t until after lunch that I got started on my daily block (who names these things?) and when that was done I did some tidying up on my cutting table.
I was able to find the charger for my camera battery on my cutting table – losing that was what prompted the clean up.
There is more to do (there is always more to do) but I’m quitting for the day. I’ll go out and mow the grass, but maybe not the boulevard. When I walked to the mailbox yesterday we perfectly match all the other boulevards.
I finished up a knitting project last night so I’ll try to find another pattern because even though I have two more balls of the same yarn I know I don’t want to repeat the pattern. I still have some binding to stitch down so I won’t run out of things to do.