Tuesday, June 23, 2020 (Block 99)

My daisies are so close to being out; I think they just need one day of sunshine. There are a few flowers out but when the daisies are “really” out they fill the beds. We woke up to rain this morning but by noon it seemed like it might be clearing off. But it has been raining quite hard for the last half-hour so I don’t think the daisies will get the sun the need today.
Once the sun does come out it won’t just be the daisies that come out – the weeds are going to be overtaking everything. I thought I might have a chance to do some this evening because Pat has an online engagement but with this rain that won’t happen.
I finished the quilting on my Log Cabin. I was half-done at lunch time but I didn’t expect to be finished today. I changed my mind slightly on how to quilt the last half (because what I had planned wasn’t working) so it went much quicker than expected.
I have several ends to tie and bury so my work for the day isn’t finished yet.