Monday, June 22, 2020 (Block 98)

I’m certainly glad that one of my Thursday sewing ladies taught me a new way to deal with those curves. There are so many of them in this block and I never would have got the stitching right. And be honest, could you tell if I had some of those squares turned wrong? Just in case you are wondering they are all correct but I rechecked my alignment with every seam.
I finished the stabilizing on my quilt before lunch. I had a few issues with tension – it worked fine when I stopped last week but this week it was a bit tempermental. I thought I knew how I was going to do the quilting on the blocks but that was before my new quilting book arrived. I looked at the suggestions in the book for a Log Cabin and almost chickened out. I don’t know where this quilt will end up so I decided to give one of their ideas a try.
So far it is going well. I’ll get back to it now before I forget what it is I’m doing.