Saturday, June 20, 2020 (Block 96)

It was a scrappy day today – and I mean that in the very best sense of the word. My leaders and enders for my pinwheel quilt were a long way from being done so I moved on to a different set of scraps. One of the blogs I follow had a pattern that I really liked and I felt I had most of the fabric I’d need in my scrap bins.
Last night while Pat had his online session I cut out over twenty blocks. I had already gone through my 2.5″ bin so it was easy to pick colours in the lengths I would need. After my daily block was done this morning I started piecing the blocks. I have about 29 blocks finished now, as well as some backing fabric picked out for the quilt. I’ll have to dig a little deeper to come up with fabric choices for the remainder of the blocks but that can wait until another day.
I have a few pinwheels that need to be trimmed and added back into my leader and ender basket for their final seams. Working with scraps leaves a lot of small bits of thread all over. Most of the sewing I’m doing just now involves scraps – my pinwheels, my daily blocks, my cards – so some cleaning should also be on my list for the day.