Friday, June 19, 2020 (Block 95)

Since my outing last night counting the “days” doesn’t really fit any longer. I’ll probably continue my daily blocks until I’ve gone through my entire calendar but I hope this pandemic will be over by then. The Guild party last night was good – for the most part we obeyed all the rules. I was able to drop off my three donation quilts; sadly though I came home with three things to do.
I’m on the Program Committee this year and I brought home a bag of receipt books and papers; I’m not sure what they are all for but I’m sure it will be clear once I dig them out and look at them. I know that I need to come up with some sort of reporting template; apparently the one they used last year didn’t do what the treasurer wanted it to.
We have cancelled the Hands Across the Water for the fall but apparently nothing has gone out to the participating guilds so I was asked to get the contact names. I drew the line at writing the letter; I think I did the same task before we shut down in March so I just needed to pull up the list and send it out again.
I took a lot of photos last night and I wanted to post them on our blog. (By the way, I didn’t mess anything up on the website yesterday). Each Tuesday as I was doing the bee updates I did a bit of work on archiving some of the old posts. I stopped doing that but today I didn’t have room to load the new photos so I had to archive some old posts – October, 2012 was where I was at. All that is finished now and the blog is updated; I’m going to try not to click my way through those Tuesday archive reminders from now on.
I made a quick trip to the library to pick up the last of the books I had on order. I was able to return one big one and the three I have on my night table amount to about as many pages as that big one did. For the next while I’ll add books I want to the “My List” section of my library account as opposed to actually requesting them.
Pat has a “thing” tonight so I’m going to work upstairs while he is busy. The only sewing I’ve done today is my daily block and it took me until mid-afternoon to get that done. I received a new quilting book today – an idea book for quilting traditional blocks. I’ll try out one of the designs on my Log Cabin quilt when I’ve finished stabilizing it.