Thursday, June 18, 2020 (Day/Block 94)

I had another online training session this morning but it wasn’t one that was of much interest to me. I always have my mic and camera turned off (unless we are in a break-out room for discussion) so while the topic was being presented I worked on my daily block. Appliqué was involved and I was able to trace, cut and attached the pieces without missing any of the lecture.
I hoped to get a lot of quilting done today but that didn’t happen. I got a good start on it before lunch but that is pretty much where it has ended. I realized during lunch that I needed to write a report for the Guild’s AGM tonight. I didn’t expect it to take long.
I needed to get some Facebook stats and while that took some time it wasn’t hard to do. Next I needed some stats from our blog site. I guess I hadn’t logged in on my new desktop since I got it because it wanted my username and password; no problem as I have that noted down. But the login didn’t work so I had to send a request to reset my password. When I finally managed to get in all my posts were gone.
After much worrying I realized I was in the Guild’s website, not the blog site. Fortunately I was able to get into the blog on the laptop so I got what I needed. After that I logged out and went back in to be sure the “old” password was working.
But what was wrong on my new machine? The link I had in my Favourites kept coming up with the website and not the blog. I got that sorted out, logged into the blog on the desktop and then wrote an apology to the person who looks after the website admitting that I might have changed the password on her. She is more IT than I am so hopefully I haven’t messed things up entirely.

It’s time now for me to start gathering what I need to take to the Guild party tonight. No food, bring your own drinks, bring the Challenge project and anything else you have for Show and Tell. I have enough Show and Tell that I’ll be taking a bin; even at that I have been selective in what I’m showing. We were also asked to bring a mask that was decorated for the occasion.
It’s my first real venture into the big wide world since March 13th – I’m still unsure as to how I feel about that.