Wednesday, June 17, 2020 (Day/Block 93)

I went from an early finish yesterday to barely getting it done today. Today’s block was 20″ so it took some time (as well as fabric) to put it together. And of course there was that one flying goose that was headed the wrong way when I had it all put together and ready to photograph!
I went out this afternoon for a bit of a drive to charge up the car. There was also a prescription to pick up, mail to go out, and a book at the library to pick up. When I was at the drugstore I was waiting outside for the customer ahead of me to finish up. I noticed one of the warning signs on the door warned of the “Novel Coronavirus”; I’d heard this term from time to time on the news but decided since I was in the spot where someone would know I would ask.
There are, apparently, seven strains of the coronavirus including three identified with the common cold. She mentioned a couple of others but the only other one I’d heard of was SARS. This Covid-19 strain is a new one (identified in 2019) and Novel means new in some language – possibly Latin? I’m glad I asked but since no one else has asked or answered the question I may be the only one who wondered.
As I was working at my sewing machine this afternoon I had to stop to answer the phone. I have another book at the library ready for pick up!