Sunday, June 14, 2020 (Day/Block 90)

You can imagine that the photo on the calendar made use of red, white and blue as a salute to you-know-what-country. I’m not sure what mine represents but it feels more worldly than American.
I did enough cleaning up yesterday that I was able to cut a width of fabric for one of my quilts. But there was still lots to be done today. I marked a bunch of fabric squares for more pinwheels; these will be my leaders and enders next week once the sampler blocks are together. I didn’t deal with my scraps last week so the basket was full; each week I get a few more scraps organized but I should probably take a week and get them completely done.
This afternoon I’ve moved on to cross stitching. The project isn’t a favourite by any means and I’ll be glad when it is done; and to get there I have to keep working at it.