Saturday, June 13, 2020 (Day/Block 89)

It took until almost noon to finish my daily block – my leaders and enders were a bit longer than usual. I had finished stitching my pinwheels for the next two rows of my scrap quilt so I needed something else. I had a pile of my daily blocks set aside to put into a sampler quilt so I started sewing them together as my leaders and enders. It takes more time but I feel like I’m accomplishing something with almost every stitch.
My usual quilting day isn’t until Monday but I took advantage of the fact that there was only a very light breeze and I sandwiched a quilt on the deck. I’ve added that to my pile of quilting that needs to be done. I have five quilts that are sandwiched and in the quilt line-up and another bin of I-don’t-know-how-many that need backings and then sandwiched.
My pile of things to take to the Guild tailgate party is growing. I have at least three of the blocks of the month, my mystery quilt, my Challenge project, and three donation quilts – I’ll need a truck to get them all there (LOL). We’ve been challenged to make a Covid-19 decorated mask for the event; mine will be quilt related and I’ve set aside several things that will be attached to it.
I’ll get back to my sample quilt for what’s left of the afternoon.