Friday, June 12, 2020 (Day/Block 88)

I was ready to post my daily block. I took the photo, I loaded my camera card into the laptop, and transferred the photo from my camera to my Photos app. I had the photo cropped and ready to export to my main machine before I saw my mistake. I don’t know how many chances I have when I’m sewing to check that I have things right but somehow I still manage to get something wrong.
This morning I was doing some prep work on a Covid-19 opening for the Hall. I had the document done, I had transferred it to a pdf, I wrote an e-mail to send it out with and I attached the document to the message. I was checking before I hit the Send button and I saw something that needed to be changed. I made the change, went back through the process again and noticed something else I wanted to change. I think it took me four attempts to get down on paper what I wanted to say. Hopefully other Board members will read it after all my troubles.
I had a few things I wanted to get out in the mail today. I don’t usually post anything on a Friday because it doesn’t go very far but if I left them until Monday it seemed that might be a bit late. I use the drive-through letter box and today just as I was pulling up to it I saw one of the postal workers with a bag of mail. I rolled down the window and asked if she does another pickup and she said no. I was able to hand her my items and they went into her bag. I thought I had until 3 PM to do my drop but apparently it is only until 2 PM. So all those days I thought I was getting things into the mail they probably sat in the letter box overnight.
I stopped at the bottle depot before I took a longer drive. I decided that if I was going to go out to the Guild “do” I had better get more comfortable being around people. There were cars in the lot but not as many as there have been on some days. I put on my mask and loaded my cans onto the trays outside so I was able to keep my distance from everyone. When I went in to actually make the swap (cans for money) I thought there were too many people inside and I wasn’t sure they were distancing properly. No one was wearing a mask and I’m quite certain that the trays weren’t being isolated or cleaned after each use. I had hand sanitizer in the car so I cleaned my hands as soon as I got back in and then I washed my hands well once I was home. I’m pretty sure I was safe everywhere I went but it really is my first time out since the middle of March.
And I’m not going to mention how many times I went back and changed something in this post!