Wednesday, June 10, 2020 (Day/Block 86)
It felt like things were completely back to normal today – I spent almost the entire day working on Hall stuff. I’ve had a chance to use the new accounting package for both Pat’s and my accounts but, with a meeting coming up next week, it was time to get to work on Cranberry Hall accounts. Setting up the package for the Hall was easy and since there has been very little activity since our year-end in April entering the first set of transactions went very quickly.
Then I attempted to reconcile my bank statement with the accounting package and ran into problems. Long-story short it is the way the new package deals with outstanding cheques between one statement and the next. I finally found the solution online and I also found a lot of requests for the developers to change the way things are done. I can only hope they are listening because I think my “work-around” will have to be the normal until they change.

Late this afternoon I managed to get my daily block finished. Today was meant to be a card-making day but that didn’t happen. I had three cards ready to be photographed and wrapped for mailing so I at least touched a few cards today.