Monday, June 8, 2020 (Day/Block 84)

The day has gone really quickly. I wasn’t up and about until 8:30 so everything was late getting started. My daily block wasn’t finished until noon even though I was able to pull most of the four-patches from my scrap bins.
Last night, when we took delivery of several packages of prawns from a friend, I told Pat I would use the last of the apples in the freezer for a crisp for dinner tonight. At some point during the night I thought I had already finished the last bag but didn’t bother checking. As I was having lunch on the deck I noticed Pat across the street chatting with the neighbour. He had a bag in his hand; dare I hope that it might be rhubarb?
I had a few cards to quilt this afternoon – three of them were easy and the last one gave me a few problems but I worked through them and I’m caught up for June cards. The library called as I was finishing up to say I have another book waiting for me. These books are like small presents as I have no clue what they are sending me; I know that I’ve ordered them at some point but I guess with the isolation going on people are getting things read and returned so they are available to someone else.
Although I have more quilting I could tackle today I’ll stop for now and go make my rhubarb crisp! I still haven’t looked to see if I have that one bag of apples in the freezer. While I wait for the crisp to bake I’ll do some reading – I’ve barely started my 700-page book and who knows what is in store for me after tomorrow’s pickup.