Tuesday, June 2, 2020 (Day 78)

It’s been raining all day today and all I want to do is nap. It didn’t help that this morning’s block was very difficult. To begin with I don’t like large blocks (16″ for this one) because I have to dig into my fabric stash as opposed to being able to use scraps. And I wasn’t able to figure out the math on any of those triangles to make joining them easy. The “put it together” picture was of very little use and I ended up doing every seam at least twice, maybe more. And I had no idea what measurements to trim each of the sections to. But done is done!
I worked on a Guild project this afternoon. The piece was to have been a challenge project for our Hands Across the Water event which has been cancelled due to the pandemic. I figured since I already had it started I may as well finish it and get it off the list. It is a size that will work as a miniature if we ever get back to those meetings.
I should do some trimming of scraps; I should do some accounting; I could do some cross stitch but I think I’ll finish my book (and probably nap).