Monday, June 1, 2020 (Day 77)

I had to go out this morning so I decided I’d run a few errands while I was out. I was feeling safe because Pat spoke to his doctor last week and there have been no confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Powell River. I made a mask for myself (with ties) and was ready to get on my way.
First I did my usual drive-around to charge up the battery in the car. From there I stopped at the post office and put a few things in the mail at their drive-thru mailbox. Then it was on to the recycle depot; Pat said they were open and were limiting the people to two, one in each lane. They may have had one in each lane inside, but there were about six in each lane outside waiting to get in so I decided not to stop.
Next stop was the library. I had placed a book on hold (long enough ago that I had no clue what the title was) and they are open now for pick-ups. The library staff pick the book off the shelf, check it out in your name and then put it in a brown bag for pick-up. I was called last week and my appointment for pick-up was 11:15. I was a bit early but I could see there was no one in the lobby so I went on in. The fellow at the table asked my name and brought me my bag. It was a nice surprise to look inside the bag and see what book I had received; I don’t remember ordering it but it is an Emma Donoghue so I know I’ll like it.
My next planned stop was the bank. I had a Hall deposit – I’ve been putting my deposits through the night deposit window. That window is right beside the cash machine and I’ve often had to wait until no one is at the cash machine to make my drop. Today the line-up for the cash machine was all the way down the front of the building; it wasn’t that much money I was depositing so I decided it could wait for another day.
I intended to drive by the bottle depot to see what the lines were like there but decided since I’d have to go out again and do all the things I didn’t do today the bottles could also wait.
For the rest of the afternoon I’m going to hand stitch the binding on my latest quilt. I’ve taken it downstairs to work on in the evenings but I’m not making much progress. I need to have my glasses off when I’m sewing; we’re watching a show with subtitles and I need my glasses on to read what they are saying so I gave up on it.