Sunday, May 31, 2020 (Day 76)

I worked outside in the yard yesterday morning and it wasn’t until after lunch that I came upstairs to my sewing room. Yesterday’s block was 18″ so it took longer than most blocks. It was complicated even further because it was almost all done using templates, which had to be cut, traced onto fabric, and cut again. Putting together the first block wasn’t without it’s problems. I was finished and taking the photo when Pat called for supper; it was then that I noticed I had switched around one of the striped blocks. There wasn’t time (or energy) to spend another minute on it so I put it off until this morning.

When I saw the name of today’s block I immediately thought of Diane. I dug through the bin of her fabric; I found a lot of fabrics that were meaningful but I did a happy dance when I came across one particular scrap. Diane and I exchanged birthday cards since we first met and it seemed like we both kept them for one reason or another. At some point we decided to re-gift the cards back to each other on our birthdays (e.g., on her birthday I would send her one of the cards she had previously sent me for my birthday with a new note added). One year Diane sent my birthday card in an album she made to hold our cards; the inner fabric of the album was the one I found today.

I have some cleaning up to do and since it is the end of the month I’ll clean my machines, change needles and blades and generally get ready for another month. My leaders and enders basket is empty so I’ll find something to fill it with. And if there is any time left I’ll do some vacuuming and cross stitching.