Monday, May 25, 2020 (Day 70)

Today’s block is very appropriate. I spent some time last week sorting some of my thread and planning for the next step in organizing. I was looking for a particular thread case and I finally found one that is very close the the one I already have; Amazon of course and they will be here on Thursday. I was thinking today that if this self-isolation thing lasts long enough I may get several corners sorted and organized.
This morning Pat asked me what I was going to do for the day. My reply was that I needed to get the masks out to the mail box, get the Hall minutes circulated and then I was going to continue to quilt on my Guild challenge. I was also going to do the laundry, make the bed, change the towels in the bathrooms, bake a cake and knit this evening. I also jokingly commented that I wasn’t sure what I’d do with my spare time!
All those things have been accomplished and I managed to sneak in a few more things in my spare time. I loaded some cans into the trunk of my car so if sometime I’m passing the bottle depot and it doesn’t look too busy I could stop and do some returns (my drive past today still showed a full parking lot).
The depot recycling was getting out of hand so I emptied a yarn bin and repurposed the bin for recycling. I sorted through the recycling and managed to fill the bin; I stuck it on the back deck along with the other two bins that are stacked up. There is still a lot of recycling but at least I’m not tripping over it when I’m in the laundry room.
While I waited for the cake to bake I loaded up the rest of the bottles and cans and took them out to the car. They can rattle around out there without being in my way. I also managed to put a few stitches in my cross-stitch project while the cake baked.
Now to get back to my quilting.