Saturday, May 23, 2020 (Day 68)

It was my intention today to work on Pat’s accounting but so far that hasn’t happened. After finishing my daily block I started my weekly task of sorting my scraps organizing them as much as possible. Today I worked on my 2.5″ squares and strips. In my bins I’ve been keeping the cut squares and any pieces of fabric long enough to give me 2 squares but I had so many actual squares that the drawer can hardly hold them all. So I stuffed the rest into one of my new bins; one of my scrap projects calls for 2.5″ strips in various lengths so when I get back to that I’ll have some sorted out and I’ll take another look at whether they need to be resorted out of the bin.
After lunch I decided the kitchen floor needed to be washed. When I dragged out the vacuum Pat disappeared downstairs. So he wasn’t here to stop me from taking down the curtains and washing them. Nor was he around to stop me from washing the patio doors and windows both inside and out. It’s a little late for spring cleaning but at my house I’m happy to get it done occasionally.
When I came upstairs I thought I would either start Pat’s accounting or work on the Hall minutes. Elizabeth just sent me a message asking for masks so I’ll cut a few out so they can get out in the mail on Monday.