Friday, May 22, 2020 (Day 67)

A purple bud for the lilacs that are just finished and the irises that are just coming out. Pink corners for the peonies whose buds are almost ready to pop.
This was a quick block to make but it took me until just now to finish it. Everything was done this morning except stitching down the stem on the blossom. I enjoy the hand stitching but with all of the appliqué pieces and trying to do a block a day I just don’t have time to hand stitch all of them. The stems really need to be fastened down properly but the rest of the pieces are attached with a bit of fusible to keep them in place.
I’ve had a very good day sorting out my laptop, my accounting and the connections between the two machine. I’ve found a method to get my photos transferred between the laptop and my desktop computer so they will be backed up with my current backup system. Since I’ll be mainly using the laptop for photos I’m not too worried about backing up the rest of the system. If I do save something on the hard drive when I use it on Texada it can be transferred to the desktop machine once we are home.
I was able to get all the accounting reports off the laptop and transferred to the desktop machine. I started the new accounting package (web-based and free) and I have my personal accounts entered and up to date. The set-up takes some time and for almost everything I wanted to do I had to go to their help section. I didn’t find anything I couldn’t do in the new program – it is all just different. I’ll tackle Pat’s accounting next and then move on to the Hall.