Thursday, May 21, 2020 (Day 66)

My new-to-me computer arrived just before 7:30 this morning; we knew it was coming so we set the alarm just in case we didn’t wake up early enough. I’m writing this post from my new Macbook Pro laptop.

Before I started playing with the new machine I finished my daily block as well as my May UFO Challenge – a week early for the UFO I should point out!
I haven’t spent much time with the laptop but I have had a couple of “issues”. I had trouble getting my mouse to be recognized. Pat tried it too and had no success. I’m not sure why it wasn’t working but I eventually got it connected so it will be easier to move around the desktop – I’ve never liked using a trackpad mouse.
One of the first things I did was to make sure my accounting program opened, and it does. I’ll still move forward with a web-based accounting package but I’ll feel much better being able to print off all the reports from the various accounts I keep.
I’ve already determined that one of the big decisions I need to make is which computer I use for specific applications. The laptop has a slot for my camera card so it makes sense to do my website from here. But I have a lot of photos on the new (now old?) computer so I’ll have to do something with them. The stumbling block about storing all my photos on the laptop is that I don’t have a backup system set up for it. I’ll have to investigate the cost of getting something working but I’m thinking I may be able to do a backup over to my main machine and from there my current backup will pick up the changes. So much new stuff to sort out – there will be no sewing (except for the daily block) for the next few days.