Saturday, May 16, 2020

Today’s block is dedicated to Christy. The black and white striped fabric was left over from a Home-Ec sewing class; she made a blouse and I’m sure if I took the time I could find a photo of her wearing it. The Raggedy Ann and Andy fabric was bought with Christy in mind as she loved (to death) many a Raggedy Ann as she was growing up. One of the first things I made when I started quilting was a pot holder for her made from that fabric.
I’ve been mucking around in scraps for most of the day. It was time to dig out my pinwheels and start counting them to see how far I was from being finished. I had enough four-inch blocks made for two rows and I got them put together. I prepared the remainder of the three-inch blocks that I need and they will be my leaders and enders for next week. I still have a lot of two-inch pinwheels to make but I’ll get to them eventually.
As I was digging through scraps for my pinwheels I started putting my new scrap bins to work. It will take a long time to get them all sorted but it will be so much easier to find the size I need once they are sorted. The three-inch scraps are done and as I emptied the scrap bin on my cutting table today (a weekly task) I started sorting the other sizes as well.
I’m off now to make a Half-Hour Pudding for supper.