Wednesday, May 13, 2020

What a perfectly-named card for these challenging times. There may be times when it seems difficult to cope, but the issues we face with this pandemic are so much better than so many others. The block itself wasn’t without its own challenges – I was uploading the photo to my computer when I noticed a mistake in the way I put the block together. It was a quick fix though.
I took my car out for a drive again today. I always head south of town with the intention of going at least to Donkersley Beach and often carrying on to Lang Bay. Today I drove all the way out to the ferry terminal; there were very few cars on the road on the trip out but more traffic on the way home. I ran into a few heavy rain showers on the way back. I intended to stop for gas but decided it could wait until my next trip.
I worked on cards today and have two more ready for the mail. I have a bit of time before supper and I could carry on, but I think I’ll clean up for the day and do a bit of cross stitching.