Sunday, May 10, 2020

I’m back on track today. Yesterday I was so frustrated with my computer and camera and just about everything. I decided I was depressed and, rather than watching meaningless TV in the evening, I sat out on the deck. Then I stirred myself enough to come back upstairs and “deal”.
I think my problem was a lack of routine. Before I go to sleep at night I always plan on what I’ll do the next day – a coping mechanism from years ago when I was on my own. For the past two weeks (at least) my regular routine has been off as I’ve work tirelessly on the Guild’s mystery quilt. Starting tomorrow I’ll be back to my regularly scheduled programming.
Although I didn’t plan it particularly today was the day I usually do a bit of tidying around the sewing room. I have been contemplating a reorganization and today I did it – not the reorganization I had planned but one that I think works even better and involved less work. No less dust though as I was working in a few oft-neglected corners.
I’ve now decided on an accounting program I will use, my “old” hard drive is coming back to me so I can get the final reports from my old accounting package, and today I got my photos to load directly from my iPad to my computer. Not as easy a set-up as I previously had but at least it works in far fewer steps than I had been using. To be honest I’m not sure how I got it to work so I may have the same issue tomorrow.
I went to add a Hall meeting (via Zoom) into our Calendar and the whole calendar was blank. In an attempt to get it working again I managed to get the Cranberry Hall calendar to come up – something I hadn’t even thought about trying. I managed to get our home calendar loaded so I think I’d best quit for the day while I’m still in a good mood.