Sunday, May 3, 2020

I’m using Pat’s laptop to write my post today. I left my computer unplugged overnight in hopes that it would start again this morning (it has been shutting down periodically for a week now) but it just wouldn’t work. I think it may be the video card and we have someone who might be able to fix it. If he does I’ll take that machine to Texada and my iPad will really just be a gaming machine – think Wordscapes and Candy Crush Saga.
Before my computer died I got caught up on all my paperwork (and hopefully I’ll be able to retrieve it all from the backup). I was particularly pleased to get the tax information off to the accountant before working on the Hall papers that had been piling up. I have one Hall deadline for the end of the month but my new machine should be here and working by then.
I started cleaning up my sewing room yesterday and finished it today. I just need to drag the vacuum upstairs and do the floor and then it will be done. I cleaned and oiled both my sewing machines as well as gave each of them a new needle, I cleared my surfaces and found two empty bins to better sort some of my ongoing scrap projects. I’ve even done my paper shredding.
I took the car out for a drive this afternoon – it’s sunny but the wind is cool. I was able to drop off some envelopes in the mail as well as put a Hall deposit through the Night Deposit window at the bank.
Depending on Pat’s need for his laptop I should be able to continue posting every day.