This is a 3-Yard quilt from the patterns Stacia, Deloise and I brought back from our trip to Houston. Some of the fabric came from the Guild’s collection; they were handing out bundles for the members to work on. I didn’t like some of the fabric in my bundle and I was able to substitute it with some from my own stash.
My Thursday ladies thought it was pretty bright (they were too polite to say too bright) but once it was together they liked it.

This second quilt was also a 3-Yard pattern. I used the bundle of fabrics I was given but the two pinks very much faded into one another so you can hardly see the star. I tried to quilt it to highlight those stars; if you look closely you may be able to see the stars.

I didn’t piece this quilt but after our Community Quilt weekend this was my “door prize” as I was walking out. The quilting is very simple and it went quickly. The Guild always tells us we should be using these donation quilts to learn or practice a technique – they generally mean fancy free-motion quilting or ruler work. I decided to try doing a machine-stitched binding rather than the hand stitching finish I usually do.

I have mixed feelings about the technique. I’m not convinced it is any faster and I enjoy the hand stitching on a binding. I attached the binding to the back first and then pulled it around to the front but if I do it again I’ll reverse that and sew to the front first.