Monday, April 27, 2020

I had to make some adjustments for this block. I was using an old shirt for the background and although I thought I had cut ample for a 12.5″ square I was a little short on one side. I could have cut it down to 12″ but then I’d have ended up with a block that didn’t match any of the sizes (so far) in this series. So I’ll end up with a 10″ block and that will fit in nicely.
When I was laying the block out I realized that with the smaller size the template for the leaves was too big. So I found a smaller template to use. The hearts made me think more of Valentines than spring but when I took the photo my mind went back to those Fisher-Price Apples with the bell inside but those leaves are on the wrong side.
I made a very sad discovery today. It was a quilting day but I didn’t feel like spray basting the larger quilt I have so I worked on quilting some cards. My plan for the larger quilt was to do some free-motion meandering so I tried it on a couple of cards. Whatever skills I once had seem to have disappeared. I was able to finish a few cards with some straight lines but now I’ll have to figure something else out for the larger quilt. I don’t suppose my skills vanished overnight and I don’t suppose they’ll return that quick either.