Friday, April 24, 2020

I don’t clean my sewing room very often. I clear off the surfaces and put away fabric and paper work on a fairly regular basis. I vacuum the floor to pick up all the threads and bits of fabric that have fallen from any number of spots where I sit. I even dust on occasion, but very seldom. Unless I’m moving furniture around I don’t clean in any of the corners.
We’ve had such lovely weather that I’ve had my window open the past few afternoons while I sew. On a couple of occasions I’ve had wasps make their way in through the window, even though I have curtains and dangling things hanging from the casing that should scare them away.
These are big wasps and I usually hear them buzzing when they get it. That’s when the hunt starts. I try to get them back to the window if they have managed to get further into the room. Then I use whatever I can find to shoo them back out the window. This usually work.
The wasp that got in yesterday was stubborn. I got onto it before it had left the window but I couldn’t get it to fly high enough on the window for me to shoo it out. I have a few things that have their home on the windowsill so the bottom of the window frame isn’t visible. I tried and tried but I couldn’t get the wasp out.
While I was working behind some of the things on the sill I scared out a spider. I tried to get rid of it but it scurried away too quickly; fortunately it wasn’t one of those big ones we see in the fall.
But that wasp was still buzzing around the bottom of the frame. I had decided that I was going to have to move everything off the sill when I realized the wasp had got caught in the spider web.
I decided not to wait and see what happened but today, the wasp is done but that spider is still loose somewhere up here. The moral of this story is I don’t need to clean my corners!