Wednesday, April 22, 2020

I had a bit of contact with the outside world today – but from a safe distance. The President of the Hall stopped by to sign some cheques so I can carry on with some of the Hall business. Another Board member stopped by to drop off some receipts and pick up one of those signed cheques. And just a few minutes later we got a grocery order delivered.
I worked on cards today but I didn’t get as many done as I would have liked. I have one that needs to get in the mail tomorrow; it is next up to be quilted. Because I was so far behind with my cards I pulled out tops that had already been put together; it was quick work to sandwich, stitch and turn them. I’ll hand stitch the closings tonight. All but two of my May cards are prepped, turned and ready to be quilted.
My small design board is filling up. I didn’t finish yesterday’s mystery clue so I have bits and pieces of that strewn about. There are some leaders and enders that are waiting to be stitched into pinwheels and now I have a stack of cards added to the mix.
Oh well, tomorrow is another day at home; I’ll make progress on something.