Tuesday, April 21, 2020

It took me until two this afternoon to get this block finished. I tried to second guess the cutting to avoid the large striped triangles thinking a smaller triangle and half-square triangles would work just as well. So I made my HSTs and my quarter-square triangles and started putting it together. I couldn’t for the life of me make it “come together” so I reversed stitched (about three times), recut fabric (I was lucky I had just enough of the orange and no extra) and still I struggled. Then I realized what my mistake had been. I made my QST squares the same size as the HSTs and I know (now) that they have to be slightly bigger to start. Once that was sorted I managed with the various combinations of cuttings and seams already stitched to get it all together. Biggest surprise of all is that I actually like the block.

It wasn’t until after a late lunch that I was able to start on my mystery quilt clue. Every week there are more HSTs but some of the pieces from the previous steps are being attached so it feels like soon I’ll be able to see whether or not I like my colours. I know I like my colours but I’m anxious to see if the turquoise I’ve used is going to be the one that stands out in the end project. I’d be okay if it was either the dark or the light but I’m expecting stars of some sort and I’d like them to be turquoise.