Wednesday, April 15, 2020

I was quite challenged with this block and had to redo seams a couple of times (and more) in many places. I finally decided that if it was ever going to be done I had to go with “third times the charm and if it isn’t right too bad”.
My reminders for May cards came up this morning – there are ten of them due over the next month. I knew my stamps would run out before my cards were all sent and I thought I might have to resort to e-greetings. Then the brilliant notion came to mind that I might be able to order stamps online from Canada Post. Turns out you can and while I ordered stamps I ordered a couple of pre-paid envelopes for the items in my hallway waiting to be mailed. I haven’t received my package yet but I’m sure it will arrive before I run out of my current stamps.
I asked Pat last night if he wanted me to make him a cake for his birthday; he suggested a Lemon Pie instead. I’d just made a pie so we settled on brownies; he made some a couple of weeks ago but we didn’t have walnuts and he really missed them (me, not so much). I’d like to be able to take him out for dinner but that can’t happen and he said he thought we should use up the groceries we had in the fridge (since we just got a shopping order yesterday).
I’m working on cards for the rest of the afternoon. This one is paper-pieced and I’m enjoying the change.