Monday, April 13, 2020

I really like this block. Sadly it isn’t exactly as the calendar said it should be. I was so thrilled that I could do those 9-patches really easily and I had enough matching neutrals in the scrap bin on my cutting table that I went to work on it first thing this morning. I thought the pattern was so easy that I didn’t even take the calendar to my cutting or sewing table – I knew how it should go together. Well I didn’t; the 9-patch in the centre should have been a solid green colour (the hen) that matched up with the 9-patches in the corner (the chicks). Fortunately the hens & chicks in the garden are doing just fine without me interfering or confusing things.
I finished the binding on one of my donation quilts this morning and I’ve started quilting another one. I didn’t make this one but brought it home (as a door prize!) from our Community Quilt weekend. It will be very simple quilting and not too many ends to tie in. I don’t have a binding fabric that I’m particularly happy with but it is what I have and will have to do.
I took my car out for a drive this afternoon; I need to do it more often or drive further as every time I go out I wonder if it is going to start. I can’t get in too much distance and I’m getting bored with my normal route. With gas down to $119.9 I could go a lot further if there were some roads!
Now, back to quilting.