Saturday, April 11, 2020

I had a very productive morning. I sewed the binding on my latest Community Quilt and got it ready for hand stitching. I made my block of the day – and all of that was done before noon.
After lunch (homemade bean & bacon soup) I went out and did a bit of yard work. The intent was only to cut the grass but when I was ready to go out one of the batteries for the mower was still charging. While I waited for it to charge up I pulled a few weeds. They aren’t bad yet but the morning glory was sprouting all over the beds.
The grass was really long so I went over it twice on two different settings on the mower. I thought I might have to rake between the mowings but Pat thought it would be okay to go over it right away. It worked fine; once the trimmings have dried out a bit I’ll rake them up and perhaps even go over it one setting lower.
By the time I showered I had pretty much run out of energy. I did a bit of tidying up in my sewing room so I’ll be ready to hit the ground running tomorrow. I was looking through my website and noticed that I had neglected to record a few projects. I’ll get them posted over the next few days.
I have a Guild block that needs to get done for whenever we get back to meeting; I may have time to get that done before retiring to knit or hand stitch that binding.