I bought a booklet with eight patterns on a trip to Saskatoon and decided for my miniatures I would go through the book and make each one in order.

I made this miniature top when I was quilting with Stacia and Deloise last fall. I had it in a package to take to Texada to do the quilting. I hope that it was because I didn’t have the right sized scraps that this ended up so wonky.

When it was nearing time for another miniature meeting at the Guild I pulled out my book and started piecing. This time I used the precision piecing method (gluing each seam before sewing) and it came out much better. Note to self – always use the precision piecing method when you are dealing with squares as small as 1.5″.
It wasn’t until I was quilting the two of them one after the other that I realized how similar they were. Could that be right? Surely I hadn’t made the same pattern twice.
That, in fact, is exactly what I did. They ended up in two different sizes so they could be passed off as different I guess, and the wonkiness of one makes it appear quite different from the other.