Tuesday, April 7, 2020
I was like a kid waiting for Christmas this morning – or to be seasonal like a kid waiting for the Easter Bunny. Clue 2 for our Guild’s Mystery Quilt was due today. I thought it would come by e-mail by nine because that is the usual time for our classes to start. That didn’t happen so I thought it would be there by ten. I was disappointed again.

So I got busy doing my daily block and by the time that was finished the clue had arrived. I’ve been working on it all afternoon and I’m still not finished; there is no way I could have completed this mystery in two days had it gone ahead as planned.
I took the car out for another drive today; again, the battery seemed low. I didn’t stop anywhere except the mail box to drop off some letters and I had my disinfecting wipes with me. There were very few vehicles parked along Marine but I was caught in ferry traffic coming from the peninsula. I was surprised at how many vehicles were in the parking lot at the grocery store, the strip mall (with Canadian Tire and the Dollar Store) and at the mall. I guess not everyone is staying at home. The few people I saw on the street weren’t wearing masks although a lot of my sewing friends have started to make them.
Now, back to my mystery.