Day Two

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

I was at my computer for most of the morning but, for a Wednesday, that isn’t unusual. I wrapped a couple of birthday packages for the mail; I have no idea when I’ll go to the post office but if I have to be out for something essential they are ready to go. I also have a library book in the waiting bag although all returns and fines are waived until May 1st.

Since I’m going to be spending a lot of time in my office/sewing room I took time to clear and vacuum the floor. There are still a few surfaces that need attention but that is a never-ending task.

This afternoon I worked out in the yard for awhile – I’m going to feel it tomorrow. I finished cutting down the daisies from last fall but I haven’t really tackled any weeds. I want to cut back the lavender before I start the next area of the yard.

I went out of the yard for about half an hour this afternoon. We have decided to close Cranberry Hall until mid-April so I had to put up some notices on the bulletin board outside. The closure meant another flurry of e-mails, and updates to Facebook and the website. I didn’t see anyone except through my windshield; I noticed fewer cars on the road though.

I’m almost through a ball of yarn with my knitting projects but the good news is that I won’t run out for a long time. Although I noticed that some of the bins of yarn that I moved downstairs are now buried behind the re-arranged furniture as we wait for our renovations to get started.