Bright colours

I was back to my Thursday sewing group yesterday and I started another 3-yard donation quilt. I got the 48 half-square triangles that I need stitched and trimmed. I’ll have one more week to work on the blocks before I take it to our Community Quilts weekend. We’ve also picked a new date for our little sewing retreat – the first weekend in March. After that Jessie will be busy working in her yard, and I should be too!

After spending a week in the theatre for the Film Festival I almost didn’t want to go out to the first Cinematheque showing last night but I’m so glad I did. A lot of the upcoming shows in the series are either award winners or nominees so I’m looking forward to them.

I had only three things that needed to be done this morning before I settled on an afternoon project. My car had to go in to have the oil change; Pat taxied me back and forth. I needed to reserve a spot for some Non-Profit Board training coming up in April. And I needed to fix a small seam in one of Taylor’s shirts; it is definitely a summer shirt, but she’s headed to Mexico so she needs it soon. I brought it back with us in February but it was tucked away in a bag and I almost forgot about it. I’m not sure why those few tasks took me all morning but they did.

I settled on my Seminole project for the afternoon. We’ve had clear and cold days for most of the week but today it has clouded over and there’s not much sun. But the colours of this project are so bright it is like looking at a field of crocuses and tulips. I’m very close to finishing the rows so maybe this UFO Challenge for February will actually get done.