You snooze, you lose

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

I knew I was going to be late for sewing today as I had some Guild work to do before I could head out. The entry form I needed to fill out and send back was supposed to be online by nine o’clock but they didn’t actually get the form posted until closer to 9:30. By the time I got all the information filled in it was close to ten before I got to the Church. The parking lot was full and I had to park way at the end, which meant I had to haul all my stuff quite a ways. When I got into the Church someone had already taken “my” table (her comment was “You snooze, you lose” even though I was working on Guild stuff) and all the tables we have were already in use. I ended up having to share a table, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing but it meant I couldn’t spread my stuff out too much.

I got three more blocks quilted for my Quilt As You Go project. When I came home I attached the last block to the second row and I hope before the evening is over that I can get the first three blocks of the third row attached. I’ve run out of batting at home so I’ll take the remaining blocks (and probably the whole project) to Texada with me this weekend.

Last night, when I was packing up my cards to finish, I noticed that I had sewn one together wrong. I got it fixed and both cards are quilted and ready for the mail. They don’t need to go out until next week so I’m almost ahead of myself. I do have one more item to make for a January 31st birthday; I stopped to pick up a cube of soap on my way home and I’ll make a pouch for it. I expect to see the recipient at the House Concert on the weekend so I’ll give it to her a day late.