Happy New Year

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

I know most of you get these posts the following morning so I’m wishing you a Happy New Year on New Year’s Eve!

2020 Resolutions

Photos: I’ll restrict myself to hoping to clear out one bin for each of the girls.

Music: I don’t look forward to many of the concerts (either Home Routes, Pat Buckna Presents or Cranberry Hall Presents). Sadly, in my mind, concerts have turned to work. I’m going to try to spend more time listening to music and less time in the quiet of my own thoughts.

Volunteer: My term for the Membership Committee is for two years so I’ll be continuing with this commitment. I’ll also carry on with the Blog and Facebook. Dare I hope to pass off at least one of my responsibilities for the Hall?

Needlework: I WILL finish the Princess and I have two other patterns that I’m itching to start. Plus I picked up a 5-lesson set of Hardanger embroidery patterns when we were in Victoria. I’ll try to get one of them done.

Knitting (and Crocheting): I intended to work on afghans this year but in December I found a bin of yarns that I’ll use up first, mostly for shawls and scarves. Then on to the afghans which should help empty a few bins.

Guild: There is another Challenge this year and I have my pattern and some of the fabrics already sitting in a bin. I’ve signed up for a few classes (Scrap Therapy, Trapunto, and a Mystery Quilt). We’ve continued with the Block of the Month so there will be a weekend where we put the blocks together into donation quilts. I hope to attend both the Spring (April) and Fall (November) retreats.

Books and Movies: I didn’t manage my 50 books last year but I’m going to try that number again – if I only pick good books I should be okay! We have passes for the Film Festival and I hope there are some good films coming either through Cinematheque or the Patricia itself.

Cards: I’ll continue making and sending the Splendid Sampler 1 and 2 blocks until I’ve made them all. After that, I may stop but I’m sure I have enough to get through another year.

Quilting: I’ve picked another dozen UFOs to make progress on, as well as identified another ten projects that I’d like to at least get started. Stacia, Deloise and I will meet in Edmonton for Quilt Canada in June and then head off to Panorama for a week of sewing. 

Cooking: This is a new one for me – I hoped I was done cooking forever! My lack of skill making my Guild party dish made me think I’d better keep my hand in (just occasionally) so I’ll try a few recipes from Mum’s book.