A Jazzy Christmas

Sunday, December 22, 2019

We’re off to the annual Jazzy Christmas concert tonight. Although it is advertised as “jazzy” it really is just a group of folks singing Christmas- and winter-related songs – some solos, some duos and some groups. We’ve gone for several years in a row and, although it isn’t quite like the Christmas Eve services in Wartime, it is close. It’s in a church and they always close with Silent Night so that is enough to take me back home.

I spent two days on one small card – 60 pieces in a what will finish at six-inches. Part of it was paper-pieced and the rest I decided to ignore the paper and just cut the fabric to fit. My measurements were off, the proportions were off and I left it in a huff yesterday. This morning was slightly better and I got it finished. There is still one small mistake in it. When I realized my error I decided to go with “done is better than perfect”.

We’re off to Victoria tomorrow and I’m really looking forward to being away for a few days. I want to do some shopping (in stores other than Walmart, Staples, Canadian Tire and Marks); the weather should be good so we’ll be out and about most days. We have our Christmas dinner booked at a restaurant we know will be good, we’re taking our presents with us, as well as the lovely basket of munchies I won.