Wednesday, December 18, 2019
My morning was filled with errands – I hit pretty much every area of town except Townsite and Wildwood. First stop was the Hall to deliver a receipt and check the mail. I hoped there might be a cheque waiting for me but the box was empty. From there I picked up a few groceries – the local grocery store in Cranberry offer a 10% discount to seniors on Wednesday. Since I was in the neighbourhood and had a list I stopped in.
Next stop was the bank. Even though there wasn’t a cheque in the mailbox I had a couple of rental payments to deposit. Then it was off the the SPCA to deliver the pillow I forgot about yesterday. Practically next door to the SPCA is the airport and I dropped off a poster for an upcoming show.
On the way back down the hill I stopped at the bottle depot; I earned $10.55 for my efforts so you know we had a lot of empties to return. Best stop of the day was the fabric shop. I was looking for a particular pattern, which they didn’t have, but I had a little visit with a couple of folks who were also in the shop. The last stop was the ferry terminal to deliver another poster.
This afternoon I’ve cut out another of those 3-Yard quilts. I picked up a bundle of flannel from the Guild, added a bit of my own flannel, and I’ll have a donation quilt done early in the New Year. Some of our members have already made close to half-a-dozen from the bundles that were available. I have fabric for a second one but I’ll finish them one at a time.
I can’t really delay it any longer so I’ll get down to doing some computer work. Hall minutes, Hall accounting, Hall pretty much everything after a meeting.