I was aiming to get a lot done today but I’ve barely made a dent in the pile. I had an opening at the Hall this morning so I told Pat I’d buy him breakfast at the Magpie Diner. I was a bit early at the Hall and it’s a good thing – the contractors were just beginning to move their equipment out of the Hall and everything was covered in dust. Since it was a Somatic Movement class (on the floor) I knew the Hall had to be clean so I got to work. Fortunately the renter was a bit late so by the time she arrived I had cleaned everything up.
I did a bit of computer work but for most of the day I’ve been emptying and refilling bins. My Tuesday bin has been sorted and is ready for tomorrow’s session. I cut and sorted a lot of scraps and squared up 96 half-square triangles for tomorrow’s project. My Show and Tell for tomorrow night is ready to go, even if my report isn’t.
The bag that Pat brought back from Texada for me is unpacked – that resulted in a whole bunch more scraps that need to be dealt with. Do those scraps ever end?
The file folder of paperwork I was given yesterday at the Hall still needs to be dealt with but the cheque has been written so it is only for my own record keeping that I need to sort it all out.
In the time I have between now and the movie (Cinematheque Night) I’ll work on my report for the Guild meeting tomorrow.