More of the same

Saturday, July 20, 2019

I was about to take a break from my proof-reading this morning when Pat sent me a message from Texada. Rather than return the message I picked up the phone and called him. While we were talking Pat said he had shared a Facebook memory and I should look at it. I didn’t feel like I had taken an actual break (because we talked mostly about the manuscript), so I started a bit of tidying up on my cutting table. In each of my breaks I’m trying to get a bit of work done.

A few minutes later the phone rang again; Pat had another post from Facebook he wanted to share with me. Since I was at my desk I decided to look at his Facebook posts. And that led me down the “internet tunnel” and before I knew it an hour had passed. The tunnel had one positive outcome – I found a Christmas gift idea!

The rest of the day followed my morning routine – some proof-reading, some tidying (mostly cutting scraps), more reading and more tidying. I took a long-enough break this afternoon to watch an episode of “Anne with an E” – the second season is available on Netflix.

I’ll get some supper now, maybe watch another episode, and then try to get another chapter done before bed.