It’s impossible

Monday, June 24, 2019

I’ve been really trying to keep things neat – well at least not adding to the mess I already have.

I spent the morning working on reports for the Cranberry Hall board meeting tonight. I also had a deposit to make and in both cases my desk extension worked very well. As they were new to my room they started out tidy and I managed to keep them that way.

For a few minutes before lunch I cleaned everything off my design wall. I had plans for a new and improved wall on Texada but decided it was silly to purchase more materials when I had something already in my room that would work. I’ve tended to use it more as a bulletin board so all of that stuff had to come off, and most of it ended up on my cutting table.

I had a real bulletin board (also full of stuff) propped up on top of the design wall so that had to be moved – it is currently sitting on the floor propped up against a yarn bin. That will need to be fixed.

I sorted out some projects for tomorrow’s bee. I had to clear enough space on my cutting board (and believe me it was not easy; the pile just got higher) to cut a few strips of fabric. I think I’m going to have to make a change to its position as cutting was quite challenging. But maybe it was just the stacks of stuff I had sitting on it that were in my way.

After a quick trip out to the post office and the bank I worked on getting the Cranberry Hall books ready for the accountant. I would have liked to have dropped them off tomorrow after the bee but I have one report that doesn’t seem to be balancing just right and I don’t think I have time to sort it out before I leave for my Board meeting tonight.

I have decided it is completely impossible to keep a neat and tidy room if you are making use of it in any way at all. At least that seems to be the case for me.