Sunday, June 23, 2019
As I sat and knit with my first cup of coffee this morning I decided that today was the day I was going to clear off my cutting table, move it across the room to its new location, and add in the table I brought back from Texada that will be come both a sewing table and a desk extension.
While I had a shower Pat returned the liquor left over from last night’s event. When he came home he brought me a Starbuck’s coffee so I knit some more while I drank it. Finally I made my way upstairs to get started on my tidying and moving.
But first, there were birthday wishes to post on Facebook. And a Facebook message to respond to. And while I was there I did a not-so-quick look at what has been posted since yesterday.
But when I turned around to really get started the photo project I started yesterday was incomplete and sitting out so I thought I should finish that. Then it was time to report in with Stacia and Deloise on my weekly accomplishments (not many). And that led me to get a couple of finished projects posted on my website. And since I’m keeping those projects for future give-aways I had to clear out a drawer to put them in; is it odd that I’ve never been so caught up or ahead of myself that I haven’t had to store finished projects?
By the time I finished that it was past one and I still hadn’t really started on what I was supposed to be doing so after lunch it was time to get down to business. I wiggled a four-drawer cabinet a few feet so it will be ready to be moved to Texada. Then I moved my thread table into the spot where the cabinet was. Next it was moving my cutting table and then moving my desk extension into place. My pressing station still needs a home somewhere but at the rate I’m going it will be awhile before I need to use it.
So everything is moved into place – please note, moved does not mean tidied!
I’m off to a Cranberry Hall event this evening.